Author Archives: Jörg Trieschmann

LED Lights

Atmospheric decorative lights are made in no time at all. 😍 Materials: commercially available preserving jars, LED lights and the natural paper “Botanica” in which real flowers are enclosed. The handmade paper is available with 5 beautiful different flower inclusions.🌻 #ursusdiy #naturpapier #botanica #windlicht #bastelidee #dekoidee #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbaehr

Jungle Fever!

Rich green and gold finishes look extremely good on window leaf, leopard and cactus! The design paper set “Lifestyle” contains 5 sheets of design cardboard in DIN A4 and 20 beautiful stickers. Partly foil-finished and of course FSC-certified. #ursusdiy #paperlover #inspiration #papercraft #dschungel #jungle #fensterblatt #exotic #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbaehr #ursus